مستثمر من المستوى الأول
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مستثمر من المستوى الأول
الفئة 1 (المستثمر) هي للأفراد ذوي الملايو العالية الذين يقومون باستثمار مالي كبير في المملكة المتحدة.
اتصل على 0208 995 3556 للتحدث إلى أحد مستشارينا
Scrap to Tier 1 (Investor) visa
On 17/02/22, the Home Secretary announced that the Tier 1 Investor visa route for new applicants will close with immediate effect. The visa route essentially, permitted migrants to live in the UK in return for a £2m investment. However, it has been under constant review due to security concerns and ongoing concerns of exploitation i.e. applicants acquiring wealth illegitimately and being associated to wider corruption.
Migrants who held entry clearance, leave to enter or remain as a Tier 1 (Investor) migrant prior to 17/02/22 can apply to extend their stay or apply for indefinite leave to remain subject to meeting the requirements. However, such applications must be made prior to 17/02/26 (for extension) and 17/02/28 (for indefinite leave to remain).
Instead, the Home Office will now look into a new, reformed route to provide a fair and effective category for investment-related migration by Autumn 2022.
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