

On October 13, 2023, the UK Government declared a significant 66% rise in the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS), due to take effect from January 16, 2024, or the twenty-first day after the approval of The Immigration (Health Charge) (Amendment) Order 2023 by both Houses of Parliament.

The increase aligns with the 2019 manifesto commitment to ensure the IHS reflects the full cost to the NHS of treating its payers

What is the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS)?

The IHS ensures that migrants contribute to the costs of healthcare provided by the National Health Service (NHS). It is an upfront cost paid with most visa applications, granting individuals full access to NHS services during their stay in the UK. The IHS is applicable to those seeking to enter the UK for six months or more, or making visa applications from within the UK. The exceptions to this are indefinite leave to remain and naturalisation applications.

The charge is levied annually, covering the duration of the visa applied for.

Details of the Increase:

The Immigration (Health Charge) (Amendment) Order 2023 specifies that the IHS for students, student dependents, and those under the Youth Mobility Scheme, as well as applications made by children under 18, will increase from £470 to £776 annually. For other immigration categories, the IHS will rise from £624 to £1,035 annually, resulting in a 66% increase from January 16, 2024.

Exemptions from the IHS Increase:

Health and Care workers, visitors, EU Settlement Scheme applicants, and those applying for entry clearance as a Fiancé, are not affected. The same holds for asylum seekers, applicants under the Ukraine Scheme, and those applying for indefinite leave to remain or British Citizenship.

Consequences of Non-Payment:

Failure to pay the IHS renders the application invalid (Paragraph 34(4) of the Immigration Rules), leading to rejection within 10 working days if applying from within the UK, or within 7 working days if applying from outside the UK.

Refunds and Fee Waivers:

Applicants can seek a refund if their application is withdrawn or refused. Additionally, fee waivers are available for those who credibly demonstrate an inability to afford the IHS fee.